Wednesday, July 10, 2024

2024 Summer Pen Friend Exchange


Hello Friends!

It’s time for the annual Summer Pen Friend Exchange! (Winter for our friends in the southern hemisphere!) This is a pen pal matching exchange where I match you up with another Guild member. You will each write an introductory letter to your partner and then you can decide if you’d like to continue your pen friendship further.

Sign ups close Sunday, July 21 so make sure to get your application in if you are not yet a member and check your email if you are an existing member! New applicants apply here: application

Please note that this is a full length letter exchange so your partner will be expecting a chatty letter of 2-3 pages or more. This is not the time for a short note or card. Please send your partner a letter they can be excited about having received.

Thank you!

Happy Summer!


Thursday, March 14, 2024

Spring Pen Friends!



Hey Friends!

It’s time to sign up for a new pen friend spring!

If you're not already a member, you can apply for membership here: membership application. Otherwise, check your email for instructions.

Sign ups close March 31 and I plan to have all matches sent out within the first week of April.

Feel free to share this message with others!

Have a beautiful day, friends!


Monday, December 11, 2023

2024 New Year Pen Friend Exchange


It’s Time for a New Pen Friend!

Hey Friends!

It’s time to sign up for a new pen friend for the new year!

If you're not already a member, you can apply for membership here: membership application. Otherwise, check your email for instructions.

Sign ups close December 28 and I plan to have all matches sent out within that first week of January.

Feel free to share this message with others!

Have a beautiful day, friends!


Saturday, September 23, 2023

We're Back!

Hello Friends! I’ve missed our happy Victorian Letter Writers Guild, made up of women from all over the world!
 After a little time away, I’ve decided to restart our Guild with a few changes that I think will help make this group better than ever. 

The biggest change is that the Guild is now subscription based and membership is exclusive and limited. The cost to you ($10 USD per year) is minimal; but this will help offset the tremendous amount of time and love I put into our Guild, as well as ensure a better quality experience for all.

As before, we will have several group exchanges throughout the year, as well as quarterly individual pen friend match ups. 

Are you interested in continuing in the Victorian Letter Writers Guild? If so, follow these steps:

1. Fill out the membership application located at the link above. You will send this to the email given on the application.

2. If your application is approved, you will be notified by email and will be given instructions for sending membership dues via PayPal, Venmo, or cash by mail. 

3. Once you have made payment, you will be accepted into the Guild and added to the list for future exchanges.

I’m looking forward to reconnecting with you all! Have a beautiful day!

Mrs. Sarah Coller

Monday, August 8, 2022

Pen Friend Sign Ups are Open Through August 19

If you enjoy handwritten correspondence with like-minded women, The Victorian Letter Writers Guild may be for you! The VLWG is a group of ladies who prefer meaningful and regular communication through personal and cheerful letters. Therefore, each application will be reviewed and decided upon based on criteria that ensures this sort of experience. If you would like to be considered for the Victorian Letter Writers Guild, please answer the questions below very thoroughly and thoughtfully. Membership is open but limited. I host group exchanges, as well as match a limited number of women up in individual pen friend swaps. You will be notified by email if your application has been accepted. 

                                                                    Sign ups close August 19

Here's what you need to know:
  • While we are very happy to fellowship with all humankind on this site, this particular exchange is for ladies only. If someone would like to organize a mixed-gender exchange, please do so and let me know so I can give you a shout-out here!
  • This is an international exchange but introductory letters must be written in English. (If you and your partner decide to write in a more familiar language privately, that is fine.)
  • A minimum of one letter to your partner is required for the individual pen friend exchanges. If you decide to continue the correspondence after that, wonderful! If not, please be so kind to let her know so she's not wondering what happened to you.
  • I am not responsible for "flakers", but anyone who does not keep their commitment will not be included in further exchanges. 
  • Privacy Statement: Your information will only be given to your assigned pen friend. I will not share it for any kind of advertising, marketing, or other commercial purposes, nor will I publish it in any form. There is no fee to join the Guild---it's strictly for fun and fellowship. I will add your email to a list for my own purposes and will only send emails regarding the pen friend exchange or other Guild activities I think you might be interested in, such as giveaways, shop specials, or letter writing challenges. I will not add you to my blog subscription list but there is a link on the sidebar to do so if you wish. 
Are you ready to apply for membership? Copy and paste the answers to the following questions in an email and send it to: (PLEASE TYPE THEM into an email, no Google Docs, no photos of your answers, no attachments. I need to be able to easily and quickly transfer your information to your partner as this is a very big group and a very big task.)

*Please note: I can only read and write English. 
Please send your application in English. Thank you!
Also be aware that, barring any issues with language barriers, applications that ignore the requests above will be ignored. Thank you for respecting my time!

Membership Application
Send to

First and Last Name
(this is a WOMEN ONLY exchange)

Full Mailing Address including zip code and country

Email Address

What is your age group? 

Do you have a preferred age group to correspond with?
no preference

Do you prefer a pen friend from your own country or is any country fine? (Please note, this can not always be fulfilled according to your wishes. Long time members have priority here and most new US members will not receive an international pen friend their first round.)

List some of your hobbies and interests. Here is a good place to tell me a little about yourself. Some people also like to let me know about their family structure, religious preference, etc. Any information you give helps me match you with a like-minded pen friend.

What interests you about the Victorian Letter Writers Guild?

How did you learn about the Guild? (If you were referred by someone, please let me know her name so I don't match the two of you as new pen friends!)

(Optional) What is your Instagram username? (Some members like to follow one another...not at all required.)

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Letter Writing Opportunities

 Hi friends!

Are you looking for some fun letter writing opportunities? Check out my latest video for details!

Monday, November 29, 2021

How to Begin Letter Writing

I've just finished a nine page letter to my mom, but we text every day! How can I have that much more to say? It's because I am a pro letter writer! Ha! If you're interested in getting started with letter writing, this video is for you. I'll tell you about my process and maybe you'll find some helpful ideas!